Different Factors Affecting Sleep On Your Orange County Mattress

Sleep is how the body rest. Sleep is so vital that the lack of sleep can lead to death. The lack of sleep can interfere with your work, school, driving, and all social functioning. You will have trouble learning, focusing, reacting, and judging people’s emotions. If you are not getting enough sleep, you will likely feel tired during the day, but once you sleep, you are refresh and alert. The lack of sleep impacts a person’s desire or capacity to live a healthy lifestyle. Farther, when a person does not get enough sleep, their body’s ability to control food intake becomes hampered, and the body’s immune system diminishes. Getting enough sleep lowers the risk of sleep-related illness such as Apnea and improve heart health.

There are factors to consider when thinking of optimal sleep and well-being: what hinders good sleep, what promotes sleep, and the right mattress for sleep. All these factors help the body achieve all its needed repairs, regenerate and recover from the hassle of waking life.

Factors That Hinder Sleep

§ Medications and Substances. Some substances such as caffeine temporarily increase wakefulness affecting your sleep pattern, but it depends on the amount ingested the amount of time before sleep, and the tolerance level. For substance, avoid alcohol; alcohol although they aid in a person falling asleep quickly, sleep quality is different because the alcohol arouses you later in the sleep cycle.


Be mindful of what you eat before sleep because some foods prevent you from getting the best sleep. Such food includes high-fat food and spicy food – people who each high fat tend to have sleep disruption and gain weight, whereas those who eat spicy experiences heartburn,

reducing their hours of sleep.

Sleep Environment

A noisy and brightly lit sleeping environment reduces sleep quality and restfulness.

Factors That Promote Sleep

A good night’s rest can be offset by a number of things. These can be environmental as well as internal factors. The below will expound on some of these factors


Just as there are foods that hinder your sleep, there are foods that promote a restful night, such as food rich in tryptophan such as warm milk, nuts, and crackers. Keep the intake small because a heavy snack will make you uncomfortable, and if you are uncomfortable, you won’t sleep well.

Sleep Environment

The sleep environment should only have factors that provide the best sleep possible, eliminating all distracting or stressful elements that would have the opposite effect. Keep the room mildly dark, keep noise volume low; otherwise, there is an increase in sleep frequency, and keep the room at an ideal temperature that’s comfortable for sleeping.

Importance of a Right Mattress

What makes sleep exciting is having the right Orange County mattress for sleep. Sleeping on a proper mattress reduces discomfort in the hips and shoulders and makes a good night’s sleep enjoyable. The right mattress is firm enough to support your back and sleep position but soft enough to support your body shape; you get a restful night of sleep which will have you looking and feeling better-the best mattresses for a night of good sleep is a mattress from one of the mattress stores in Orange County. The ideal mattress should support the following.

  • Back Support: The mattresses must be firm and supportive yet soft and comfortable. If you choose a bed on a 1 to 10 scale, choose one between 5 – 7.
  • Side: The mattress has to provide adequate contouring to the spine, which promotes longevity of proper structure; choose a bed that falls in the medium-soft category.
  • Stomach: The mattress must be soft enough, so the weight of the bed is evenly disturbed and firm enough the spine does not curve, causing back pain; choose a bed within the medium range
  • Longevity: The suitable mattresses are durable and able to last for many years.

Sleep is essential for your health and physical and mental well-being. Sleep is crucial and mustn’t be neglected or overlooked. Sleep restores the body to restore itself and prepare for the next day. With enough sleep, you avoid gaining weight, developing heart disease, and prolonging your sickness. But rest is made better with the right sleep environment and food intake, and equally important is the mattress you buy from local Orange County mattress stores.

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